The pout that so many women deem as perfection.
The Oxford Dictionary defines beautiful as, “Easing the senses or mind aesthetically,” but that does not help explain how beauty is interpreted so differently by people in other parts of the world. When reading about beauty standards from across the world, it’s been fascinating to learn what people find most attractive. To add to this confusion one must take into consideration that there’s a big difference between men and women and what they deem beautiful. In the West, we have gone overboard in terms of enhancing our looks and creating these new-age standards of beauty. Although, some might argue that in other parts of the world, where running water and toilets are non-existent, the way in which some of these people mutilate their body—in an attempt to adopt a look they perceive as beautiful—is no different to what we, in the West are wiling to do in order to look good. But I beg to differ with this statement, especially in this modern age of social media, and the way in which these ideas are spread instantly and become an instant obsession and a must-have look so to speak. Read More